If you have student loan debt, you might be unsure if you can also buy a home while still paying off...
La Crosse, Onalaska, Holmen, West Salem & Trempealeau Luxury Home Certified REALTOR
Real Estate Advice from Bridget Thomas
If you’re looking at buying a house right now, chances are good that you’re concerned about the high...
A home is likely one of the largest purchases you’ll ever make in your life, and chances are that yo...
At some point during the home-buying process, most buyers will feel stressed about their down paymen...
If you want to buy a home in the near future (think 1-2 years out from now), then these 7 things wil...
You likely pay your mortgage payment each month and call it a day because you’re paying off your hom...
If you’re thinking about retirement, you need to know about the reverse mortgage for purchase! With ...
For many first-time home buyers, the idea of saving up tens of thousands of dollars for a down payme...
More and more homebuyers are looking into building their own home. When you build your own home, you...
Budgeting for a mortgage can be tricky, especially for first-time homebuyers. It can feel pretty abs...