If you have student loan debt, you might be unsure if you can also buy a home while still paying off...
La Crosse, Onalaska, Holmen, West Salem & Trempealeau Luxury Home Certified REALTOR
Real Estate Advice from Bridget Thomas
If you’re looking at buying a house right now, chances are good that you’re concerned about the high...
A home is likely one of the largest purchases you’ll ever make in your life, and chances are that yo...
When you’re going through the real estate process, you’ll have the expert help of a real estate agen...
Many buyers and would-be-buyers have the same question when it comes to interest rates and their rel...
At some point during the home-buying process, most buyers will feel stressed about their down paymen...
If you want to buy a home in the near future (think 1-2 years out from now), then these 7 things wil...
You likely pay your mortgage payment each month and call it a day because you’re paying off your hom...
For many first-time home buyers, the idea of saving up tens of thousands of dollars for a down payme...
More and more homebuyers are looking into building their own home. When you build your own home, you...